At The Oaks Anglican Church we love to baptise new believers into the Christian faith, welcoming them into the family of God. Often this is done when somebody comes to trust Jesus as an adult. It can also happen when a baby is born into a family that intends to raise them as a Christian.

In the case of baby (or infant) baptisms, parents and godparents declare that they trust Jesus, and intend to raise the child to know and love Jesus. This is appropriate for people who are active Christians and takes place during their regular church service.

Recognising that some people may like to give thanks to God for their child but are not able to make the promises associated with baptism, we conduct Dedication Services. In this special service we thank God for the gift of this new life, praying for the child and those involved in their upbringing. These services are usually held on a Sunday afternoon.

If you would like to consider such a service taking place at The Oaks please organise a time to meet with the minister and discuss the best way forward.